Last week, a close relation of mine called me from India seeking help. A well built cyclist, he was a Type II diabetic. He was attempting to take his long ride in Mumbai on the west coast of India and was targeting 50 miles or 80 kms. He was seeking help for the diet he could have before and during the ride. Cyclists normally carry energy bars and drinks with sugar which help them gain the energy expended but this case was different. Since he was taking oral medication to control blood glucose levels, he was at a risk of developing hypoglycaemia during the ride. Plus the weather in Mumbai was hot and humid so there was a risk of dehydration as well.
I first advised him to take a drink with low glycaemic index. I had to put on my thinking hat and come up with a recipe as he couldn’t find any specific drink around and was running against time. This I achieved by asking him to dilute fruit juice with water, so something like half water and half juice and consume that along the ride. He told me he had two bottles of 750 ml and 1000 ml so asked him to take the juice in the 750 ml bottle and cold water fortified with salt in the bigger bottle. The latter was just to maintaining the electrolyte status. Also asked him to alternate between the drinks.
Hypoglycaemia could occur anytime during or after the exercise, so asked him to carry a couple of bananas and apples just to ensure that a recovery snack was always available. I also had advised him to carry two handful of mixed nuts to get the proteins needed. I asked him to chew on them slowly while pedalling. Hydration being priority had asked him to replenish his fluids as often as needed and attend to nature’s call.
To keep his motivation level high, I also asked him to keep messaging me as and when he took breaks just so that he could inform where he had reached. This made him accountable.
When he returned, he messaged me that instead of his targeted 80 kms he ended up at 101.36 kms which was 63+ miles! Wow. Not once did he experience hypoglycaemia. He did not have any outside food other than what was prescribed aside of the tender coconut water which I had permitted.
So glad I could be of help to him in this way. Proper diet, nutrition and exercise is a winning combination always.