NEW-Holiday-Challenge-Logo-with-website1200You have been sweating it out all these days and trying to get your body in shape. Just as you’re finally getting the hang of it all, the holidays come up. Tempting foods abound everywhere right from office to the super market and everyone seems to be tempting you with the food you love. Looks like the world is ganging up against all your efforts to lose or manage weight.

Sounds familiar? And you are left wondering how to survive the holidays without gaining weight!! It’s estimated that we gain as much as 10 pounds during the holidays. Here are a few simple tips to prevent that:

  1. Stay regular with your exercise and sleep cycle – I know holidays are a busy time of the year but take some out for yourself and exercise. Anticipate those extra calories by eating less and exercising more on party days. It will surely help you compensate somewhat to your indulgences. Get a good night’s sleep so you do not mistake tiredness for hunger.
  2. Eat a small but filling meal before leaving home such as a protein shake or a salad or a vegetable soup. This way you will not be starving, and can make good decisions when you eat.
  3. Socialize with friends. You do not want to linger around the appetizer, buffet or dessert table. If you socialize your mind will be away from the food and drinks.
  4. If you do not love it, do not eat it. You hate wasting food but you also will hate the extra pounds.
  5. Sharing is good – You do not have to eat it all. Split the calorie load when trying something new. Sometimes all it takes is a few bites. Research shows that we relish something delicious for the 1st 2 bites after that it is gluttony.
  6. Limit your cocktail drinks. Take a glass of wine and sip on it. After that, try sparkling water with lemon, it looks like a cocktail and does not add up the calories unlike alcohol.
  7. Watch out – Fill your plate sensibly. Slow down and savor the food’s smell and texture. Many people find they do not have to eat so much with this approach. Limit yourself to 1 or 2 high calorie items and enjoy the flavor. This will help your body know when it is full and reduces the likelihood of any mindless eating. Never eat like there is no tomorrow.
  8. Eat more protein – Deficiency of protein causes dessert cravings. Keep your protein tank full to ensure you have a good willpower.
  9. Carry a clutch bag – so one hand is occupied and you are not tempted to take 2 plates.
  10. Yummy food is not going away anywhere – The yummy food will be there all year round and there is no dearth of it. This is not the last time you will see it. So be sensible and strong. The focal point of holidays is a time to enjoy with your near and dear ones and show them how much you love them.

Holiday parties are much more than food and drinks. They are a time to delight in the traditions of the season, and enjoy the company of family and friends. If you keep the focus on the spirit of the season and heed the diet advice, you should get through the holidays without gaining a pound.


Holiday Survival Guide without Gaining Weight
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